You could maybe check for self intersection and evaluate the start and end intersect parameters…
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
curve = rs.GetObject("Get Curve", rs.filter.curve)
# if only one curve is supplied as an argument, it checks for self intersections...
if insec and len(insec)==2:
print "Olap domain start={} | Olap domain end={}".format(dom_start,dom_end)
print "Curve does not self-intersect"
Is that like a 2D CAM toolpath with an approach path and a radius entry/exit?
I can see the problem using the typical fillet tools, which require getting the trim parameters. I wonder if this - which doesn’t depend on parameters - might work better:
As a radical solution could be to split the rectangle away from the overlap area - say at the upper right and lower right corners - then you will have two separate curves. Do your filleting on each and join all back together afterward.
At this point I solved with a radical solution, exploded the curve, making fillet and then putting everything join together, a little more work but it works.