It would be nice if I could use ortho while trying to pick my first point when using the between OSnap.
It would be nice if I could use ortho while trying to pick my first point when using the between OSnap.
Hi Sam - you can, if you use From first - does that do it?
Huh, seems like an odd choice, but yeah, I can macro it.
Yeah - Ortho needs some base point to work from, is the thing I guess.
Perhaps it just my usage of it, but every command I typically use it with it already has a base point. Move for instance, select object, select from point, on the to point use between, can’t use ortho even though my base point is still being drawn.
Hi Sam - yes, and I bet the GetPoint() used in Between can probably be persuaded to use that as a base point - but currently, as far as Move is concerned, Between is starting a brand new GetPoint() (I am not looking at code but that is what I assume) that knows nothing about the suspended Move operation.
I do not know how hard it would be to tie these together but it may be worth investigating… I’ll ask Mikko.
(he’s on vacation so don’t hold your breath…)
appreciate the ask, thank you.