Hello ! i am trying to order a group of curves either clockwise or counterclockwise, i tried many solutions that i found in the Grasshopper Forumss and it worked only in the cases where the curves were closed. my question is if there a way to order not closed curves clockwise or counterclockwise?
very appriated for any hint
Thank you so much @Joseph_Oster. this is exactly what i was looking for. just i have a question do you think its possible that the vectorâs direction follow this sequence as well ?
Hi Joseph, it mattars for me because i am looking for getting at the end two lists the first one contains the current lineâs direction and the other one that contains the clockwise direction for each line to compare between them to get line which has an oppisite dirction of clockwise.
this soultion is great. Unfortunately the curves looks like that and they should not be attached to each other this way it made it complicated. i was just wondering why the lines cant be sperated lines after by explode?
P.S. Stretching the top-left and top-right line segments demonstrates that version âcâ is indeed more robust than version âbâ, which is bad! (as I suspected) No code changes, only the internalized lines.
P.P.S. Well, well, the circumscribed circle makes no difference at all. I didnât notice that the vertical lines/vectors on the left and right both have the same direction, which is wrong!
I donât know the answer to this?