Clockwise Direction

Does anyone know how I can achieve a clockwise or counterclockwise direction on these curves by grasshopper:

There is no such thing for curves in general.
Clockwise or counterclockwise needs a closed curve and a reference direction or plane
You will find in Rhinocommon some tools

Sasquatch plugin has a tool for that.

This feels similar to this thread (from yesterday !).

Indeed a plane is required to get a notion of clockwise or anticlockwise.

Thank you so much @magicteddy

I think there is a misunderstanding,

I wrote

A straight line is not a closed curve !!!

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Made a small script that checks a curve for its direction given a plane.

It utilises curve.ClosedCurveOrientation(plane) to check direction ( as mentioned by @laurent_delrieu above.
This function is only supposed to work with closed curves but also appears to work with simple open curves that are not self-intersecting

import Rhino

def is_clockwise(curve, plane):
    Determine if a closed curve is oriented clockwise or counterclockwise
    relative to a given plane.
    curve: The input closed curve.
    plane: The plane used to evaluate the orientation.
    Boolean: 1 = (Clockwise) or 0 (Counterclockwise).

    # Result also seems valid for many open curves
    #if not curve.IsClosed:
        #return "The curve is not closed."
    orientation = curve.ClosedCurveOrientation(plane)
    if orientation == Rhino.Geometry.CurveOrientation.Clockwise:
        return 1
    elif orientation == Rhino.Geometry.CurveOrientation.CounterClockwise:
        return 0
        return -1

# Check orientation
if curve and plane:
    result = is_clockwise(curve, plane)
    if result == 1 : 
        text = "Clockwise"
    elif result == 0: 
        text = "Couterclockwise"
        text = "Unknown Orientation "
    raise Exception("Missing Inputs")

# Output
CW_bool = result  # Output orientation (string)
Direction_Text = text

Definition: (8.4 KB)
User Object:
Is Clockwise.ghuser (3.1 KB)