Does anyone have the link to download orang plugin? Any version would do as long as it works in rhino 7 or 8
did you search google or even this forum before you posted this?
here a topic where you might find all your answers.
I did and i couldn’t find it on google. I found many tutorials but none of them had any links to download it from. About the post you mentioned, the link provided there is not working and i already mailed the agent
you probably did not read through the entire topic?
@uggerister from that topic seems to be able to help, he also seems to be active here, “seen 3 days ago”
I did and i already sent a mail on the mail address that the person provided. I’m still trying to look for it while i wait for a reply which is why i posted here
then please me more elaborate when you have request, nobody knows what you did and what not, now you waisted a lot of my time making neither yourself happy nor me.
Hi guys. I’m the official sales agent, please give me a email to
See you soon…