Hi, i’am cutomizing ghpython components preview geometry overriding DrawViewportWires() methods. As used @piac in this example
I’am previewing lines, points, meshes and texts using displayPipeline methods available.
I found that when drawing massive quantity of elements, methods like DrawLines() or DrawPoints() are particularly efficient, but with other methods i.e. DrawText() since it takes one element on each call, I need to iterate thousands of time inside DrawVieportWires() what results in a poor navigation performance.
def DrawViewportWires(self,args):
MAX_MESH = 500
MAX_TEXT = 500
TEXT_COLOR = System.Drawing.Color.Black
POINT_STYLE = Rhino.Display.PointStyle.RoundSimple
i = 0
for value in sorted(self.byValueDict.keys()):
color = self.colors[i]
if self.showValue:
for pos in self.byValueDict[value]['textPos']: # this iteration slows performance
# even with values as low as t=500
if t<MAX_TEXT:
t += 1
q = 0
if self.showMesh:
for mesh in self.byValueDict[value]['mesh']:
if q<MAX_MESH:
q += 1
i +=1
I have tried to take off from DrawViewportWires() as much operations as possible, but I cant figure out how to optimize this further: the iteration that still remains inside seems to be unavoidable.
Am I making a bad use of DrawViewportWires()? How does grasshopper components achieve much better results when previewing geometry? Can I expect to have such a good performance (somehow) using python?