Opening new Rhino Viewport automatically Workflow problem

Good morning all, I wanted to share a workflow block/problem with you.

While I was giving a presentation to my team, I realized that when you want to insert in Rhino Inside Revit let’s say a picture, a cad file or something else, Rhino or Revit will open a new Rhino viewport and will make it possible to click anywhere on the other Rhino viewports to insert the document. Can’t we just prevent the software from opening a new viewport ( I think what is being opened is the special one from the Open Viewport command.

Am I the only one ? Try it out for yourself

Hi Thomas, Can you break down the steps? not quite following.

You have Revit open, with Rhino.Inside.Revit loaded and running and you are inserting a cad file via the Rhino interface and its opening a new window?

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Exactly, have you been able to reproduce the steps ?
The window that’s being opened is hidden away and I am not able to click anywhere to insert the content because that new viewport was created.

Can’t click anywhere

I was not able to replicate. Can you do a screen shot or copy paste your Rhino.Inside.Revit About info?


[Window Title]
Rhino.Inside - About

[Main Instruction]
Rhino.Inside© for Revit

Rhino.Inside Revit: 1.11.8410.30187 (2023-01-10T16:46:14)

[Expanded Information]
Rhino: 7.25.22326.19001 (Rhino 7)
Revit: 2022.1.3 (
CLR: 4.0.30319.42000 (4.8.4515.0)
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19044.0

[V] See details [Web site] [Read license] [See source code] [OK]

Press CTRL+C to copy this information to Clipboard

I am blocked there

My assumption is that it happens because Rhino creates a new viewport (this one)

We can’t click anywhere else but in this viewport, which is not accessible as you can see on my previous snapshots

Can you see if there’s an additional dialog behind somewhere?

This one (has the Revit logo but is the Rhino.Inside.Revit options dialog)

No dialogue open, the command shows me that I am at the last step (pick a point )

But I can’t because this new window (Revit viewport) opens up and takes priority without being displayed

The problem lies in the fact this new window is being created and becomes the active one

I personally don’t ever need that window, how to stop Rhino from opening it ?

What are these settings in the options? I’m not getting the Revit dialog on startup, only if i add it via the revit UI.

That’s what I had, I think it was by default, at least I don’t remember touching anything. I’ll make mine like yours and we’ll see.

It didn’t change anything, it’s not a Revit dialogue and it’s not on startup.
It happens when you try to insert content into the rhino interface, somehow a new viewport is created for no reasons and disrupts the workflow

Thanks, still looking for what might cause this. What is your monitor setup and scaling?

We found something that could cause that issue, I’ll ping you when the potential fix is in. Thanks.

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Pretty basic setup, normal scaling

And normal two monitor setup

Thomas, Please download the latest Daily build 1.13.x (released a few minutes ago) and try again. Thanks.

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Good job, whatever you’ve done corrected that workflow problem, thank you guys