Hello , Lets say customers send us .3dm files created in both Rhino 5 and Rhino 6. After we download both files to our desktop , is there a way to have the Rhino 5 file open in Rhino 5 when i click on the file on the desktop and the Rhino 6 file to open in Rhino 6 when i click on the file . Right now windows allows me to default .3dm files to 1 options. Any suggestions? I am just trying to find ways to save clicks .
Do you know before clicking whether the file is from Rhino 5 or 6? If so you can right click on it and use ‘Open with’ to pick the Rhino you want to use. That’s click/hover/click instead of click. Not a huge extra effort…
Otherwise, no, it can’t be done, without programming an app to open the file, establish which Rhino is needed and launch the appropriate Rhino for the file.
Hello - in case it helps sort the files, here’s a script that reports versions.
To use the Python script use RunPythonScript
, or a macro:
_-RunPythonScript "Full path to py file inside double-quotes"
VersionGetter.py (1.4 KB)
Do you know any coders that have experience with Rhino that can do this and charge a fee?
Hi @roger2,
Having seen your later thread I suspect you may have decided this isn’t necessary, but it seemed like something that would be mildly useful with files downloaded from discourse and a chance to experiment with simple C# programming. So, if you are still interested in the idea you might like to try the attached program. [download removed, new version below]
To install:
- Unzip the files into a folder in a convenient location on your PC. There is an ini file which controls the mapping of Rhino exes to 3dm file versions. This needs to reflect your specific requirements and the location of each Rhino exe.
- Associate .3dm files with the new program, RhinoFeeder.exe. You can do this by right-clicking on a .3dm file, choosing ‘Open with’ > ‘Choose another app’, then ‘More apps’, followed by ‘Choose another app on this PC’, then navigating to the program location.
I suspect you may need to redo the association after a Rhino install.
To uninstall the program, simply delete the folder and reset the file association to Rhino. There are no registry settings to worry about.
If you do try it out, let me know how it goes.
Hi Jeremy5. I downloaded it but there was issues when i was opening the file . The rhino 6 file would open In rhino 6 but it gave an error And nothing showed up in the file. The rhino 5 file wouldn’t open at all
Sorry, that’s not good…
What error did the Rhino 6 file give?
Do the paths in the ini file reflect where your Rhino.exe files are?
Hi Jeremy , Not a problem. I found the issue. it has to do with the .3dm file name. I had to remove the spaces between the name for example. Bob Johnson boat.3dm needs to be Bobjohnsonboat.3dm in order to not have an error. I have not tested any symbols like % , _ !
is this something that might be fixable in the code?
Yeah, should be straightforward. I’ll take a look tomorrow and repost. Thanks for the feedback.
Thank you Jeremy, this is very helpful for us. Very much appreciated.
Hi @roger2,
Here is an updated version that handles spaces in the file paths. If you edited the ini file, make sure you don’t unzip the default one over it.
RhinoFeeder.zip (4.3 MB)
Let me know how it goes.
This is so cool!!! It works perfectly, great job . Thank you!