Online Rhino Viewer

Hi all,
There is another good free online viewer for Rhino files as suggested by @wynott .

Actually it is a PDM solution for Rhino (the only one which I’ve found so far) but has good viewer features as well with levels support, Sections, Exploded view and measuring tools.

I like Rview!
Especially the Slider which allows to quickly compare two similar designs.
With small files it works nice but begin to slow down with models around 50Mb

If you have models that appear sluggish, I would like to test them out if possible.

Sure, I will send them in a private message. Confidential stuff!
Would be nice include the option to open directly file from online services like Dropbox/Gdrive/iCloud

This should already be possible.

Not really at the moment: when I click “open” I get a standard windows where I am asked to choose a local file.
This can be a Dropbox/Gdrive file of course but the file is downloaded from Dropbox then uploaded to Rview.

I think would be faster having the option to access directly to Dropbox/Gdrive/etc from Rview.

There is no upload to rview. Everything is performed locally in your browser.

Ok thanks!
It is more clear now.

Please turn this into a Chrome app!
I have to download all my 3DM files from Google Drive just to look at them.

@Dave3 I think a version of this where models can be loaded from a URL can work but it’s unlikely to work with a Google Drive link because of CORS settings.

Hi Everyone,

I released a new version of yesterday with some new features.

Biggest improvement under the hood was switching to the Three.js 3DMLoader, thanks @fraguada
I also added support for multiple views and an exporter that allows you to convert your file to various formats.

Feel free to kick the tires and let me know if you have any feedback/suggestions.


Hello Morteza. Amazing job on the viewer. Quick question…there seems like a bit of back and forth on this. Can a URL be passed to as a url param to load a model?

Hi @jeff.bonasso , the live version of does not support that.
This in theory is very easy to implement and can work for a link that you have control over but it will not work for a google drive or dropbox or many other links. So because I couldn’t guarantee that it’ll work for all kinds of links I decided to leave it out.

Hello @stevebaer I have tested a few 3dm files with rview and they work great, but there is one I am having an issue with. These are files from a vendor so I don’t have control over the source. Curious if the issue is how it was created in Rhino or an issue with the viewer. FYI…it does open fine in

I will send the file in a private message. Thanks.

I loaded the new version of viewport and like the new features but no longer get the message that I used to for a file that was too big. Also there used to be a message that told a user that they needed to save the rhino file in the shaded mode to make it display in XYZ. I can’t remember exactly what those instructions were as they don’t come up in the new version but I often can drag and drop into the new version and I here the CPU grind away for a bit and nothing ever shows up on the display. Are these over the size limit or am I not getting the render meshes from the file?

Hi there,
I increased the size limit to 35mb and you should see an error if you try to load a larger file.

On the other hand, I’m aware of the issue with warnings not showing for missing render meshes and trying to come up with a workaround. In the meantime, you can see if there’s any render meshes missing by looking at your browser’s javascript console and see if there’s any warnings.

If it happens to be a render mesh issue, you can fix it by opening your file in Rhino, switching to shaded and saving it.

I know this is not ideal and I’m working on a way to show this in the UI but hope it works as a workaround. I’ll be happy to take a look at your files if you continue to experience issues.

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So I just need to be sure the Rhino file is in shaded mode to generate the proper display meshes to show up in your viewer. Thanks for the reply and all your effort on this.

That’s the trick.

Just tried that and still no joy! I tried different lighting environments but nothing seems show. I even downloaded the file as a 3dm from the viewer and it opened in Rhino and looked just like the original so something is getting loaded in the viewer but not displaying. Where did the old lighting controls go?

Hmm, not sure. The 3DM downloading doesn’t really say anything since it just downloads the original file.
Do you mind sharing the model with me so I can take a look? You can send it to me privately in a DM.