OMP: Warning #97: Requested number of active parallel levels

Whenever I run an analysis in Karamba a warning pops up saying “OMP: Warning #97: Requested number of active parallel levels “-2147483648” is negative; ignored.”

I am using the newest Rhino 8 (8.15.25013.13001, 2025-01-13)
And the newest Karamba (3.1.50121.0)
but the warning also came up before I updated rhino and karamba to the newest version.
Is there anything I can do to avoid getting this warning? I have tried searching for it and it suggests it has something to do with the configuration of OpenMP?

Let me know if you need any more info - thank you!

Hi @ragnhmyr,
thanks for your bug report and sorry for the inconvenience!

It seems to be connected to the parallel solve which is used in Karamba3d. Do you get results from Karamba3D or does it crash?

Do you maybe have other plug-ins installe which use old version of libiomp5md.dll and get loaded into Grasshopper before Karamba3D?

In the next service release I will update to a newer version of intels OpenMP library - maybe this solves the issue.

– Clemens

Thank you for your reply!
I do get results from Karamba3D (i.e. it does not crash) so there is not a problem in that case other than I get many warnings if I do several analyses.
It is definitely possible that I have other plugins which use an old version of libiomp5md.dll - I’ll try double check that.
I’ll keep an eye open for the next service release - thanks!