OffsetSrf on closed polysurface (solved)

Hi all,
Would appreciate any tips for this problem i have, i have been using rhino for a few years now but still not an expert at it…
I have created a quite complex shape made up out of trimming/splitting 2 shapes and then blooleanunion’ed into a closed polysurface

now the problem is (seen highlighted in the screenshot below) that i have this edge or ‘lip’ i want to get rid off.

i have tried to Explode the shape and grab parts of the surface that i want to match with the one hanging over top and then join and offsetsrf but this results in a lip somewhere else! ExtendSrf & loft also don’t work.

i really need this to remain a closed polysurface because it will be 3D printed with both FDM and SLA printers. (i know i can mesh it or extractRenderMesh but trying to keep it clean !)

hope someone can guide me in the right direction, thanks !


If the selected surfaces are planar, you can simply delete them and use the ! _Cap command.

Hi @Stefan_Reijman_Hinze
If I understand you correctly, you need to ExtendSrf the vertical surfaces, so that they intersect the slanted surfaces - and then trim away the excess and probably re-trim the holes. From your screengrab it looks as if the extended surfaces might intersect with those holes, and that might prove a bit of a challenge. Post your file for further help!
HTH, Jakob
EDIT No, wait… it’s the other way around, of course: The slanted surfaces will cut into the lower arches. It looks kindda weird. Have you checked that the shell thickness is uniform all over?

i fixed it !
Basically had to go back to a previous stage where i didn’t do the BooleanUnion yet and i fixed it there and did the Union after.

Similair to what you said @Normand , thank you for your suggestions!!

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