I’ve been having a lot of trouble with the offset command in Rhino & Grasshopper lately.
I know that many people have mentioned problems with the offset command here:
The curve is planar, so it will offset in plane of the curve. If the curve was not planar, it would use the plane input.
It seems like maybe you just want to move the curve, not offset.
Clipper shout definitly incorporated to GH and rhino…
I’ve got a bit of an odd case to offset but I would have thought it’s not crazy complicated. When I try to offset it only does a part of the curve.
And it creates these triangles in the corner:
200120 Offset doesnt work.3dm (202.0 KB)
I’m doing by code a curve offset using API method (C#):
offset_crvs = crv.Offset( intPt, Vector3d.ZAxis, offset, RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance, CurveOffsetCornerStyle.Sharp );
So, when I use a specific location of intPt (interior point of curve) offset is valid, but, when I use another intPt (using an automatic method to find the point) the offset curve is wrong.
I’ve replicated the problem directly with Rhino user interface, with _Offset command (Distance=2, Corner=Sharpness…
And I know it’s not an easy problem to solve, but I wish GH would at least let me know when an offset fails. In the attached definition, two closed polylines go in, nothing comes out. No error messages or warning.
The workaround is to explode the lines, offset, trim the results, and rejoin, but that doesn’t work in every case.
The attached rhino file also fails with
even though its only two rectangles.
I ran into this problem using Rhino.Inside.Revit, as you can see in this video:
It’s more of a rhino/grasshopper issue, but the fact that no warnings were produced made it tricky to track down.
offsetCurveFailure.gh (8.8 KB) OffsetCurveFailure.3dm (33.4 KB)
Thanks to everyone at McNeel!
I should have mentioned, this is using the WIP, latest release. This all works fine in Rhino 6.