In Rhino 6.0 the new OBJ-Mesh importer/exporter does not work for most of the meshes I am working with. I am back on Rhino 5 just for this reason. No problems there at all: multimillion Polys open, edit and export there without any problems. Especially larger meshes seem to be problematic in Rhino 6. Exporting as OBJ crashes everything, importing leaves workspace empty. I tried various settings, no solution. Here is an example file: (2.2 MB)
It can import it into rhino5, save and open the rhinofile in rhino 6 with the mesh embedded. Exporting as obj from there leads to the described crash:
Any solutions to this?
I just started getting this error message also. But before I got the error message the OBJ exports I was getting out of V6 were nonetheless useless. So I’m back to V5 for any OBJ work.
Thanks for this report! I filed it as