It is not straight forward to resolve paneling of complex polysurfaces and some manual (or custom scripting) work may not be avoidable. Mostly because the indented structure of the outcome is not imbedded in the surface, or polysurface created to be able to use that same structure.
I put together one workflow that might help
1- Create some curves as a guide that represent your desired paneling orientation of paneling. You can create key lines, then use commands like TweenCurves to create the rest.
2- Project your curves onto the polysurface
3- Create your paneling grid from the projected curves using ptGridUCurves (select the order manually to ensure good grid).
4- us ptPanelGrid to output the mesh.
You can also consider building intermediate surface by lofting the projected curves, then grid that surface which now has the intended structure in its UV.