NURBS Polysurface Paneling

Hello guys,
How are you doing?

I’ve been trying for a while to panelize a polysurface so the end result follows this:

I found paneling tools (two direction curves projection) to be the best option, but it still doesn’t get the results I want.

The direction of the curves must change across the form, I’m not sure how to input that with this command?

Is there a completely different direction I should be looking into for panelizing this?

panelizing nurbs polysurface.3dm (801.9 KB)

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Doesn’t sweep 2 rails with the addition of a perpendicular slash solve this problem? Or maybe I misunderstood the task?

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Sorry, I dont understand what you’re suggesting. Sweep2 will give me a surface, whereas I already have a surface; and I want to create panels from it

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How much experience with Rhino and Grasshopper do you have?

Do you want the panels to exactly match the surface? Or do you want “flat” panels? If you want flat panels do the panels need to be planar or can they be warped?

If you want flat panels it may be simpler to start with the edge curves rather than the surface.

What determines the spacing the the panels?

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Hi David, thanks for the reply.

I’m pretty good with rhino but new to grasshopper. And completely new to the topic of paneling

Yes, I need the panels to match the surface exactly. In this case, the panels will be curved. Only thing is, in the future I want to try and optimize and reduce the different types (or sizes) of panels required. Lastly, I was hoping that I can build into the script a variable input for the panel spacing/dimension.

I can tell you what I’ve tried so far:

I tried paneling based on surface UVs, but couldn’t get them to align as its a polysurface. (533.8 KB)

After this, my first instinct was to move the end points of the U curves of one surface to match the start points of the other. I couldn’t figure out a way to edit the UVs of the surfaces, so I ended up creating straight lines in the U direction. Resulted in this:

This script is basically starting from the curves (and not the surfaces) as you suggested.

This script works ok for surface 3 & 4, but for surface 2, this was the main issue:

Then I manually fixed some of the lines for surface 2 (pretty inefficient process)

straight panels (560.8 KB)

From other threads, (such as this Equal Grid Across Surfaces - #7 by scottd), I realized I may need to move away from UV and try Paneling Tools, so I asked the question about Paneling Tools, since I couldnt figure ou
t how that works.

Apologies for the very long reply, I’ve been struggling for a bit, so I wanted to explain what I’ve tried.

any suggestions please?

It is not straight forward to resolve paneling of complex polysurfaces and some manual (or custom scripting) work may not be avoidable. Mostly because the indented structure of the outcome is not imbedded in the surface, or polysurface created to be able to use that same structure.
I put together one workflow that might help

1- Create some curves as a guide that represent your desired paneling orientation of paneling. You can create key lines, then use commands like TweenCurves to create the rest.
2- Project your curves onto the polysurface
3- Create your paneling grid from the projected curves using ptGridUCurves (select the order manually to ensure good grid).
4- us ptPanelGrid to output the mesh.

You can also consider building intermediate surface by lofting the projected curves, then grid that surface which now has the intended structure in its UV.

Rajaa, thank you so much for your reply! This worked perfectly. Thank you!!!

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