We have a working Rhino plugin that is developed using C#. It was targeted to run on Rhino 5 (32-bit).
Everything works fine and right now, we are working on migrating the plugin to run on Rhino 5 (64-bit).
One of the issue that we encounter is that a call to python script via Rhino.Runtime.PythonCompiledCode is throwing exception: “Could not add reference to assembly mtrand”.
After some googling, I found a post mentioning that numpy/scipy for IronPython will only run in 32bit applications on Windows (https://stevebaer.wordpress.com/2011/06/27/numpy-and-scipy-in-rhinopython/). This post dated back to 2011.
Does anyone know if this is still true? and if yes, is there any workaround?
Thank you,
Poh Nee