No downgrade from upgrade?

A customer recently bought an upgrade from V5 to V8.
Now he wants/needs to downgrade to V7.
This is not allowed with an upgraded license.

  1. May I ask for the reason?
    I don’t understand the logic.
  2. In order to get V7, the only chance for the customer is to buy a new V8 commercial license?

This is debated from time to time internally. As I understand it, allowing this would require a lot of extra manual work.


That is not nice.
Especially because I’m in the same situation.

I can’t find where this restriction is written on
On Rhino - Downloads there is an offer to get a legacy key.
It says V8 key required.
It doesn’t say that upgrade keys won’t work.
So you find out that the key is not valid for a downgrade AFTER you have bought the upgrade.
Doesn’t feel right to me.

The user has to click on:

To see:

The restriction that upgrades are not eligible for the free legacay key should be on the first screen.

WWW-2328 Site: Legacy key requirements

Done. What do you think?

Looks much clearer. Unfortunate, as yesterday I was trying to help with a Rhino 7 problem, but then failed entirely to realise that Rhino 7 stopped functioning.

It would be nice if the Upgrade keys were cross-functional with the previous version for a clearly defined period (say, 6 months); so that anyone with early adoption issues can roll back, and also continue to provide community support for Rhino “N-1” users.

Rollback is totally unnecessary. Rhino V7 continues to work indefinitely after a V8 upgrade. The upgrade is a completely separate install. You can have Rhino 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 all running on the same computer with one license + upgrades.

The only things you can’t do are buy a new full license and expect to get a legacy license 3 versions back, or buy an upgrade after having skipped one or two versions and expect to get one of those intermediate versions you skipped back as a free legacy license.

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Yes. This requires a specific combination to happen, and I understand why it has happened to me. But yes, I would retract my previous sweeping statement.

Hi Helvetosaur,

I purchased myself a license since Rhino 6, then an upgrade license to Rhino 7. I am considering to buy an upgrade license again to Rhino 8.
Am I correct that I will always have the freedom to use any of the versions among Rhino 6/7/8 (if I buy 8)?
Thank you!


I’m the same way. I upgraded from the old v4 license to v8, but in fact I need v7 (just to connect Grasshopper and Archicad). I had seen on the web that I can downgrade with a v8 license - but I only learned that this is not possible during the process of a failed downgrade… So unfortunately I got a license for something that I can’t use in my workflow… (I will now have to wait at least half a year before Archcad is v8 compatible)…

You have a choice - if you really need V7 right now, then you will have to buy a full license of V8 and then get the V7 legacy license with it. If not you can return the V8 upgrade you bought for full credit.

Of course if you do decide you need V8 later, you will end up having to buy the upgrade at a higher price, as the introductory offer expires at the end of this month.

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