Newbie question on creating surfaces. Cabinetmaking

Hello All,
I am just beginning to use Rhino, and I am hoping some users here would be willing to share some best practices advise. I am a cabinetmaker and my intention with Rhino is to build 3d models of cabinetry. While using other software, I have developed the workflow of drawing a 2D plan view of my cabinet layout. Laying out all of my cabinet sides, end panels, etc. and then “extruding” or “push/pulling” them into 3D once I have my layout correct. The previous software would automatically create a “surface” when I drew a rectangle in 2d, allowing me to “pull” it into 3D. While using Rhino, when I draw a rectangle, it’s only creating the polyline or “edges”, not a surface that can be extruded later. I am looking for some advice on the easiest way to create that surface, or ideally a setting that can be selected to automatically create a surface?? I am aware that I could be using the Box command to create a 3D object from the start, but I really like laying out everything in 2D first and extruding into 3D once I’m happy with my layout.

Also, if anyone out there is using Rhino to build extremely accurate models of residential cabinetry, I would love to connect and learn more about the workflow you’ve developed.

Any advice is appreciated.

You can create surfaces from your plan drawings using PlanarSrf command.
To make a solid, you have a few options - you can extrude the newly created surface (from the PlanarSrf command) using the ExtrudeSrf command. Alternatively, Rhino (8) now has a PushPull command for surfaces. You can also extrude the polylines or profiles you have drawn, using ExtrudeCrv then Cap the extrusions to turn them into solids.

I am sure there are some ways you can record the steps for such function, if the goal is to repeat it - however, if you’re starting with Rhino, I believe getting comfortable with commands makes your life easier in the long run!

It’s not too difficult to get into a ‘workflow’ with Rhino using a ‘combo’ of commands for certain operations.

If, for instance, you have multiple plan drawings for your cabinets, and you wish to turn them into surfaces/extrusions, then you can select all these plans (curves) together, either one by one pressing shift or using the SelCrv command to select all curves (make sure curves you don’t want to select are turned off, locked, hidden, or deselected), now run the PlanarSrf command to turn them all into surfaces; now unselect everything (ESC key), run the SelSrf command so Rhino selects the surfaces only, then run ExtrudeSrf to extrude them all (specifying the extrusion amount in the command bar). You’ll feel like the PRO you are right away.

This is just what I needed.

The ability to create PlanarSrf, SelSrf and ExtrudeSrf in multiples works great and will provide an efficient way to get into 3d.

Thanks for taking the time to respond!

Hey Mike, welcome to Rhino!

You could also use Plane 3Point to create a rectangular surface (hold shift while placing the 2nd and 3rd points to snap to the orthogonal axes, and then tap Tab to stay snapped to that direction so you don’t have to keep holding down shift).

This, or simply Plane, might be the closest command to what you described.

And as for laying things out in 2D, if you’re using the Plane command while in the Wireframe or Ghosted displaymode, the viewport should look the same as if you were drawing rectangle polycurves (the Rhino term for multiple curves that have been joined together), that is, assuming you haven’t changed any of the default display mode settings.