New VisualARQ 3 Beta 7 released!

Hi everyone,

The new VisualARQ 3 Beta version is available for download.

If you own a VisualARQ 2 license key, you can download and try it out!

This version brings most of the new features expected in the final release. Some features are not yet available, but they will be as we get close to the final release. Check them out here.

Please, report all bugs, issues, or suggestions to us, using Rhinoceros Forums, or sending an email to

:information_source:   While in Beta, only the Rhino 8 installer will be published.
        Final release will be available for both Rhino 7 and Rhino 8 (for Windows).

Enjoy it!


VisualARQ 3 Beta 2 (2024-01-29) now available:


  • Parameter:
    • #13550: Filters feedback in custom parameters
  • Grasshopper: Style:
    • #13217: Show height parameter in the style properties panel window for wall created from a grasshopper style
  • Clashes:
    • #13557: Add hard clashes tolerance in clash tests


  • Object: Openings:
    • #13532: “Auto” default value for leaf sizes
  • Interface:
    • #13225: Change name in section manager commands


  • Crash:
    • #12120: Rhino 8 crashes at launch when using .NET Core
    • #13524: VisualARQ crashes when opening this file regenerating the model
    • #13429: Rhino hangs when opening this file
  • Parameter:
    • #13549: Duplicated object types in parameter filters
  • API: Script:
    • #13564: AddBeamStyleSizeProfile method returns an empty GUID
    • #13571: AddBeamsFromCurves method is not working if the curve is not planar
  • Level:
    • #13363: Sub-levels disappear from lateral views when I select a level in the level manager
    • #13535: Wall doesn’t move to new level’s elevation
    • #13556: No way to create building when no site is created yet in the document
  • View:
    • #13511: Jogged section corrupted
  • Grasshopper: Style:
    • #13543: Wall joint error of walls created as Grasshopper styles in millimeters file
    • #13520: 2D geometry from a Grasshopper file is not visible in an Annotation style
    • #7351: Curve in Annotation from GH style is generated as polyline
    • #13216: Wall grasshopper styles don’t keep the height value set in the Grasshopper definition
  • Object: Openings:
    • #13561: Door with variable leaves width is restored to equal width after editing it
    • #13530: Crash copying a door
    • #13531: It’s not possible to edit the leaf size by %
    • #13536: Crash after adding a glass to a door leaf
    • #13423: Door width by fixed dimension doesn’t work
  • Object: Guide:
    • #13555: Snap radius did not work when moving guides
    • #13548: Wrong guide color in Top viewport
    • #13545: Guides don’t hide in Top viewport
    • #13526: Guide bottom position changes when extending it from the top arrow
  • Object: Table:
    • #13434: Difficult to unselect objects from the table
    • #13521: The number of objects in grouped rows in the table panel are not highlighted properly
  • Object: Door:
    • #13537: Wrong plan view representation of a door with variable leaf widths
  • Style:
    • #13513: Plan preview is not showing the correct geometry
  • Clashes:
    • #13496: Crash when switching between clash/tables panel and the layer panel



VisualARQ 3 Beta 3 (2024-02-13) now available:


  • Object: Table:
    • #5749: Order tables by the “quantity” field


  • API: Script:
    • #13662: Having the option to set a None pattern using the SetObjectSectionPattern method
  • Layout:
    • #13597: Make the DWG command cancellable with the escape key.
  • Level:
    • #13229: Detect numbers in level name pattern when creating multiple levels
  • Object: Table:
    • #13582: Add Totals for the “Quantity” field
    • #11448: Use a different color to highlight objects in the model from the table panel
  • Parameter:
    • #13550: Filters feedback in custom parameters


  • Grasshopper: Style:
    • #13642: Set heigh parameter ediable by object by default
  • Parameter:
    • #13579: Changes in Parameter filters names
  • Profile:
    • #12586: Do not show system profiles in the Profile Manager


  • API: Script:
    • #13613: GetBeamEndCutType is not working
    • #13612: GetBeamStartCutType is not working
    • #13610: DeleteParameter method is not working if the parameter has got a value
    • #13609: SetParameterValue method doesn’t accept Null values
  • Attributes:
    • #13498: Do not take into account sub-levels for the overhead representation of objects
  • Crash:
    • #13590: Crash opening VisualARQ 3 for Rhino 8
  • Grasshopper: Style:
    • #13660: Plan representation is not defined after importing a .val file made with VisualARQ 2
    • #13643: Rhino not responding after setting join type to None of walls created as Grasshopper styles
    • #13578: Height parameter is shown double in the Properties panel for objects created with Grasshopper Styles
  • Layout:
    • #13618: Wall intersecton lines appear in DWG exported from layout
  • Level:
    • #13592: Activating the Cut plane of a level should hide the upper levels
    • #13591: Add levels dialog changes the levels status in the viewport
    • #13589: Double-click on a level should hide the upper sub-levels
    • #13575: Building “plan reference” icon cannot be deactivated in VisualARQ 3
    • #13562: Crash after activating a plan reference view
    • #13244: I cannot add sub-levels in this file
    • #12930: I can’t edit the Level in this file
  • Object: Table:
    • #13594: Double-clicking a window in the Tables panel does uncorrectly the zoom extents
    • #13171: Crash selecting properties to group in the table styles dialog
  • Object: Tag:
    • #13599: Tag doesn’t display the border
  • Object: Wall:
    • #13611: I cannot select wall control arrows in Rhino 8
  • VisualARQ to Revit:
    • #13586: Shed roofs are transferred as hip roofs


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VisualARQ 3 Beta 4 (2024-02-27) now available:


  • Object: Space:
    • #7353: Option to hide the space representation in 3D


  • Toolbar:
    • #13720: Replace icon for Wall From Solid command
    • #13637: Add the vaExportToDWG command in the toolbar and menu
  • Level:
    • #13684: Isolate level should change the CPlane to the isolated level


  • Layout:
    • #13617: Option to export only the current layout
  • Clashes:
    • #13424: Clash report list behavior when selecting row items
  • Object: Table:
    • #11448: Use a different color to highlight objects in the model from the table panel


  • Object: Table:
    • #13725: I can’t edit a tag value from the Table
    • #13676: Table report is erased if a 2D table in the model is deleted
    • #13674: Beam objects are not highlighted when selecting them from a table
    • #13175: Disable Sum and Average Total types for property fields using texts
    • #13666: After double click on a table row, objects remain selected
    • #13645: Double-clicking a door in the Tables panel does uncorrectly the zoom extents
  • Grasshopper: Style:
    • #13643: Rhino not responding after setting join type to None of walls created as Grasshopper styles
    • #13641: Join error of walls created as Grasshopper styles
    • #13660: Plan representation is not defined after importing a .val file made with VisualARQ 2
  • Level:
    • #13665: Walls don’t move properly when changing a level elevation
    • #13644: Error hiding a building with a boundary
    • #13634: Level Manager toolbar display issue
  • Layout:
    • #13703: Hidden objects are exported to DWG
    • #13618: Wall intersecton lines appear in DWG exported from layout
    • #13688: Export multiple layouts doesn’t work properly
  • Clashes:
    • #13383: Zoom to issue is too close
    • #13357: Clash issue is not calculated
  • Object: Openings:
    • #13691: Window is not properly inserted in a slab
  • Object: Window:
    • #13668: Wrong opening of a window in a roof
  • Material:
    • #13695: Texture mapping doesn’t work well on VisualARQ objects
  • Interface:
    • #13224: Ceiling plan options are not available in Rhino 7



VisualARQ 3 Beta 5 (2024-04-26) now available:


  • Attributes:
    • #13462: Option to define linetype scale from the style attributes
    • #5025: Section attributes by Layer
  • Layout:
    • #10644: Export multiple layouts to DWG
    • #6896: Export layouts to DWG
  • Object: Guide:
    • #12858: vaSelGuide command
  • Object: Table:
    • #12342: Identify the elements in the table by selecting them in the model


  • Attributes:
    • #11505: Link Section attributes with Rhino Section Styles
  • Clashes:
    • #13424: Clash report list behavior when selecting row items
  • Grasshopper: Style:
    • #13818: Extend walls created from Grasshopper styles upwards
  • Interface:
    • #13019: Show icons for the object types in th import and export styles dialogs
    • #11353: Group Roof’s slopes angle and area properties into one
  • Object: Column:
    • #13723: Add column extend commands to the VisualARQ menu
  • Performance:
    • #13655: Slow performance moving or deleting slabs
  • Toolbar:
    • #13362: Show a Column unextend command in the toolbar
    • #13297: Show vaSelSameType and vaSelSameStyle commands in the toolbar


  • Attributes:
    • #8664: Change term “By Parent” with “By Object” for style attributes
  • Grasshopper: Components:
    • #11861: Change the name of the “Set Property Value” component and its “Property” input
    • #11860: Change the name of the “Get Property Value” component and its “Property” input
  • Menu:
    • #10576: Add vaCurtainWallExtend command in the menu
    • #9440: Add the Wall Extract Path command in the Menu and wall context menu
  • Object: Section:
    • #13813: Create Sections with the “Clippable” option unchecked by default
  • Toolbar:
    • #13728: Add vaSelGuide in the Select Toolbar
    • #13719: Add vaCurtainWallFromSurface command to the curtain wall toolbar
    • #13102: Change in the beams toolbar


  • Attributes:
    • #13910: Wall layer doesn’t take the proper hatch color
    • #13903: Component with section attribute assigned by Layer takes the attributes assigned by object
    • #13896: Section Style by wall Layer fails in some styles
    • #13893: Section attributes from VisualARQ 2 models are not recognized
    • #13878: Section Styles by Layer on the style components doesn’t work
    • #13812: Show the “Clippable” property also when the Section styles is not Custom
    • #13809: I can’t change the section hatch pattern in styles dialog
    • #13801: Section styles don’t work on VisualARQ objects
    • #7730: Section attributes are lost when using boolean commands on polysurfaces or extrusions
    • #5813: When an extrusion turns into a polysurface, it loses the section attributes
  • Crash:
    • #13895: Crash when clicking on the ifcTag icon after selecting a polyline
    • #13867: Crash opening this file
    • #13828: Crash when selecting the IFC Tag panel for a text
    • #13814: Crash after saving file
    • #13785: Rhino closes after clicking the CANCEL button in styles dialog
    • #13772: Rhino crashes when opening this file
    • #13767: Crash when opening this file
    • #13025: Rhino 8 crashes after opening this file
  • Grasshopper: Components:
    • #13842: VisualARQ objects can’t be baked from Grasshopper components
    • #13789: Guides return Null values in Grasshopper
  • Grasshopper: Style:
    • #13790: Wrong intersection of walls created from a Grasshopper style
  • Layout:
    • #13820: Missing geometry in a DWG file exported from a layout
    • #13780: Inexistent hatch is exported to a DWG file
    • #13765: vaExportToDWG only exports the detail frames
    • #13191: Preview error of a section in page layout
  • Level:
    • #13862: Crash after creating a new sub-level
    • #13751: Cannot hide levels on this model with multiple buildings
    • #13739: Level Cut Plane is not preserved when unsetting a building boundary
    • #13185: Ugly intersection line when I activate a cut plane
  • Object:
    • #13912: Osnaps don’t work on parts of selected VisualARQ objects occluded by walls
    • #13890: Intersection lines in wall joins appear in VisualARQ 2 documents
    • #13810: Control arrows don’t snap properly
    • #13763: Double click on the gumball doesn’t work with VisualARQ objects in Rhino 8
    • #11113: No VisualARQ objects are visible when VisualARQ is disabled
  • Object: Column:
    • #13766: Crash after selecting Other in the profile sizes of column properties
  • Object: Curtain Wall:
    • #13850: Curtain wall from surface error
    • #13843: Curtain wall frame rotates when panels are curved
    • #13821: Curtain wall from surface generates some triangulated panels
    • #13815: Rhino not responding after creating a curtain wall from a surface
  • Object: Guide:
    • #13811: Guides hide in page layouts
    • #13534: It is not possible to select guides from the Top viewport
  • Object: Openings:
    • #13869: Wrong 3D aperture of door with different leaf sizes
    • #13868: Wrong 2D representation of door with different leaf sizes
    • #13692: Door with different leaf sizes don’t update properly
    • #3317: When creating a new door or window style from the Wizard, the leaves widths are not divided equally
  • Object: Roof:
    • #13824: Roof from VisualARQ 2 doesn’t open well in VisualARQ 3
    • #13770: Error in hip roof corners when Edge cut is Square
  • Object: S"ection:
    • #7160: “Set Section View to Viewport” button doesn’t works well with jogged sections
  • Object: Stair:
    • #13788: Slab and Stair don’t hide the intersection line
    • #13787: Hide stair-wall intersection line
    • #13758: Wall is subtracted from a stair performing a wall extend
    • #12095: Spiral stairs don’t display their projection in top view
  • Object: Table:
    • #13865: Table grouping is not preserved from VA 2 models
    • #13858: Slow performance when navigating through the table styles dialog
    • #13741: Sums are not correct for grouped properties
    • #13725: I can’t edit a tag value from the Table
    • #13676: Table report is erased if a 2D table in the model is deleted
    • #13175: Disable Sum and Average Total types for property fields using texts
  • Object: Tag:
    • #13844: Some objects don’t show the properties
    • #13782: Tag doesn’t display the border if cut plane is enabled
  • Object: Views:
    • #13866: Incomprehensible increase of file size after updating a plan view that has less geometry
    • #13831: Creating a plan/section view increases 3DM file size too much
  • Object: Wall:
    • #13883: Wrong wall join of Grasshopper styles when inserting a door
    • #13724: Area is not recalculated after extending a wall downwards
    • #10413: Circular Wall join error
  • Object: Window:
    • #13754: Wrong window position in roof when alignment is not interior
    • #13664: Changing the style of a window instance affects other windows
    • #12355: Alignment is reversed for windows inserted in roofs and slabs
  • Other:
    • #11721: VisualARQ objects disappear if I open a model without having VisualARQ installed
  • Rhino.Inside.Revit:
    • #13585: Door changes its style without a reason
  • Toolbar:
    • #13593: VisualARQ spaces toolbar is shown twice when you are selecting which toolbars you want to have available
    • #13361: Weird toolbar behavior

If you own a VisualARQ 2 license key, you can download and try it out!



VisualARQ 3 Beta 6 (2024-05-30) now available:


  • Grasshopper: Components:
    • #9243: Add “Building” to Pipeline component
  • Grasshopper: Style:
    • #9627: Support for blocks inside grasshopper styles definitions
  • Object: Section:
    • #10511: Identify section in the model from a selection in the Section manager
    • #10136: Mirrored section arrow symbols
    • #9285: Identify section in Section manager from a selection in the model
  • Toolbar:
    • #4717: Install toolbars on all computer users


  • Clashes:
    • #13918: Improvements in the “Clashes” panel
  • Level:
    • #13920: Ask for confirmation after deleting a building
  • Object: Guide:
    • #14004: Stretch dimensions when moving guides
  • Object: Table:
    • #13901: Improvements in the “Tables” panel


  • Attributes:
    • #8664: Change term “By Parent” with “By Object” for style attributes
  • Clashes:
    • #13959: Remove the Attributes tab from the clash tests dialog
  • Object: Roof:
    • #7167: Add “Slab areas” property to roofs
  • Zoo:
    • #6472: Include all necessary MSVC DLLs in the installer to add a VisualARQ license to the Zoo


  • Attributes:
    • #13903: Component with section attribute assigned by Layer takes the attributes assigned by object
  • Clashes:
    • #13945: Crash after adding a clash test
  • Crash:
    • #14034: Rhino freezes at regenerating the geometry from a VisualARQ 2 file
    • #14027: Rhino crashes regenerating a VisualARQ 2 model
    • #14015: Crash opening this file in Rhino 8
    • #13990: Rhino crashes after regenerating geometry from a VisualARQ 2 file
    • #13984: Crash when inserting beam that intersects with various walls
    • #13977: Rhino crashes when loading VisualARQ
    • #13940: Rhino hangs after deleting all objects in this file
    • #13933: Rhino closes a few seconds after opening a file
    • #13922: Rhino crashes when opening this file
    • #13919: VisualARQ 3 crashes opening this file
  • Display:
    • #14024: Issue with a text in French in the Section styles dialog
  • Dynamic Section:
    • #14016: Two identical section volumes are added
  • Grasshopper: Style:
    • #13917: Window from Grasshopper style doesn’t generate an opening in a wall from a Grasshopper style
  • Installer:
    • #14040: VisualARQ opens from a Rhino template and without the toolbar
  • Language:
    • #14022: Untranslated strings in VisualARQ 3
  • Layout:
    • #14020: Crash when exporting a layout to DWG
    • #13955: Wrong export to DWG of an Element created from blocks
    • #13941: 2D plan representation of objects is not exported to DWG
  • Level:
    • #14031: It is not possible to edit levels when they are isolated
    • #14005: Sync levels doesn’t work with the CPlane
    • #13270: Undesired intersection lines on objects when hiding levels
  • Object:
    • #13912: Osnaps don’t work on parts of selected VisualARQ objects occluded by walls
  • Object: Beam:
    • #13968: Beams have an intersection line with walls and slabs when they have the same section attributes
    • #13926: Crash related to the intersections of beams with walls
  • Object: Curtain Wall:
    • #13980: Weird intersection of curtain walls
  • Object: Element:
    • #14017: Elements are displayed in plan view in the wrong level
  • Object: Plan View:
    • #14019: Spaces are not drawn in 2D plan views
  • Object: Space:
    • #13954: Space Hatch patterns from VisualARQ 2 are not imported in VisualARQ 3
  • Object: Stair:
    • #13999: It takes more than a minute to change a stair height
  • Object: Table:
    • #13921: Error in the Remove table message
  • Object: Tag:
    • #13983: Tag from block creates the block always at 0,0,0 coordinates
  • Object: Wall:
    • #13904: Wrong wall-slab intersection when the slab has the thickness edited by object
    • #7594: Avoid self extended walls in loop way
  • Performance:
    • #14023: The commands vaClashes y vaClashTests cannot be executed from the menu
    • #13750: Slow performance with VisualARQ 3 in Rhino 8
    • #13733: Rhino not responding after synchronizing levels
    • #13678: Slow performance in a Layout with a detail in Hidden display mode
    • #12150: Slow performance when cut plane is enabled
    • #12127: Slow performance when a cut plane is enabled in a model with just 2D geometry
    • #12045: Slow performance in a file
    • #11698: Very slow performance when section is enabled on a large project
    • #11675: Very slow performance when VisualARQ is loaded
    • #11674: Big difference of performance when VisualARQ is disabled in a model with many 2D lines
    • #11581: Slow performance when a cut plane is enabled
    • #7209: Slow display performance when activating a section
  • Print:
    • #13936: Section hatches don’t print to vector output
  • Profile:
    • #9561: When a new profile is created with a name that already exists it overrides the existing one instead of saying that it already exists
  • Style:
    • #14030: Crash when importing VisualARQ styles
  • Template:
    • #11490: VisualARQ templates are not removed after uninstalling
  • View:
    • #14037: Section styles by layer doesn’t work with some display modes
    • #14035: Sectioned geometry is not displayed in Hidden mode
    • #13938: The hidden lines of VisualARQ objects don’t appear in Technical display
    • #13911: Model displayed from jogged section view misses some edge lines

If you own a VisualARQ 2 license key, you can download and try it out!



VisualARQ 3 Beta 7 (2024-06-06) now available:


  • Attributes:
    • #14078: Wall is printed with a wrong width
    • #14073: I cannot select the “By Display” option in the “Attributes” in the styles dialog
    • #14068: Transparency attributes don’t work for VisualARQ objects assigned to the style
    • #14054: Print Width attribute for section boundary is missing in the styles dialog
    • #14051: Wrong section boundary color in a wall layer
    • #14043: Section styles are not visible on VisualARQ objects with the section style set to “By Object”
  • Crash:
    • #14048: Crash when inserting a space
  • Language:
    • #14022: Untranslated strings in VisualARQ 3
  • Language: Spanish:
    • #14064: Resizing: “Clash Tolerance”
    • #14062: Strings not localized: By Object and Custom
  • Layout:
    • #14066: Wrong plan view in page layout
    • #13880: Wrong preview of section print widths
  • Object: Space:
    • #13242: Space print color bug
  • Object: Wall:
    • #14050: Wall layer doesn’t hide in plan view
  • Object: Window:
    • #13087: Difficulty in setting a 0 thickness to window glass
  • Performance:
    • #13877: Slow file open with VisualARQ loaded
  • Print:
    • #14045: Print section boundary on top of other edge lines in projection
  • Style:
    • #14063: Section styles don’t appear in the preview in styles dialog
  • Template:
    • #11490: VisualARQ templates are not removed after uninstalling

If you own a VisualARQ 2 license key, you can download and try it out!
