New to Grasshopper, don't know how to save shape

Hello, I am new to Grasshopper and need to make a crumpled paper wall for a school assignment. I am making a highrise building with eight sides, I am making a concrete wall that has a crumpled paper look to it. I made the script and saved it, I used a script that randomizes the points on a surface, specifically in the z direction. I just rotated my building on its side so I have a z direction because that is what the tutorial I was watching was doing and I tried the x and y directions and I wasn’t getting the correct shapes. With the eight sides, I am able to get two sides per script. So now I still have 6 other sides to apply this script to but I don’t know how to exit out of grasshopper so I can rotate my building again to get two more sides without deleting the script on the original two sides.

I really just used a process where I broke up my script into redundant steps, I apply the script 4 times per two sides. I just don’t know how to save that script onto the model so I can start a new script, I’ve watched a few grasshopper videos and none of them talk about what to do after the script is done.

Thank you.


1.) Bake your grasshopper scipt so it creates geometry in Rhino then do the other sides. Disadvantage is if you make changes you need to do the original sides all over again.

2.) Graft / manage your input data in such a way that the script can handle all the sides at once.

3.) Duplicate your script (use the same value sliders rather than copying them) and use those copies for the other sides.

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Yeah, looks like you are looking to either bake the results (right-click on any component and choose “Bake…”). That will permanently move the geometry to Rhino where you can select it, move it to layers, save it in a Rhino file, etc.

But I am 100% certain that you can just turn the script into working for all sides at once.

Let’s have a look at your .gh file and we can help you out with that.

ps: I know you are new, but it’s always helpful to add a screenshot and/or the file you are working on. A picture says more than 1000 words and the actual script says more than a 1000 pictures :wink:

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Here are my screenshots, sorry that I didn’t include them the first time, I didn’t know where the upload button was (13.8 KB)

You need in internalise your geometry - the initial surface isn’t in there. Did nothing posted above help you?

Hi, yeah sorry, the baking doesn’t seem to be doing anything and my script looks different than yours so I don’t know what to change. What is the initial surface?

What does internalizing my geometry mean? Am I supposed to enable the surface?

No, you right-click on it and click on Internalize… What that does it will keep it in the Grasshopper file rather than just a reference to the geometry in Rhino. If you want to share a file with the geometry from Rhino you can either also add your Rhino file or to make it a bit easier, you just internalize any reference to geometry in Rhino and save the file again.

As for your definition, I think it will be easy enough to have it offset the points from all surfaces, not in the global Z (up) direction, but in what is called the local Z direction, meaning you find the direction up away from the surface for each one individually, create a vector and then move the points in that direction.

Actually looking at your script, I think I can already spot one very easy fix to get the Z direction of every surface. Since you are using meshes and already using each vertex as the points, you can just use the normal vector, which is the N output of Deconstruct Mesh. The normal vector is usually a vector that points directly up from a mesh surface.

The normal vector is just a vector of 1 in the up direction from the surface of the mesh. To give it a specific value - coming from the random component in your case - you would use the Amplitude component. It means you give a vector a new length.

That way you don’t have to use the global Z.

Depending on your mesh you might have to unify the normals first.

Could’ve just googled it but anyway - as @seltzdesign said.

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The sides facing up and down have the shape I want but the ones facing to the sides are messed up. I connected the transform to the plane and it was fixed but it is also red.

I was also wondering how to connect the edges to each other, rather than looking like 8 different planes, I want it to look like one continuous shape.

I think your approach here is not the best.

Not clear what you really want.
Here I used some random points on the surface, the number is proportional to the area. In order for Delaunay to work I added a plane.
I also added some points on border to have connected surfaces/meshes.
Unweled mesh in order to see (1.4 MB)

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That is what I want, I will take a look at the script and try to understand it.

I watched a few videos on crumpled paper looks but I though grasshopper would get me the best look even though I don’t know how to use it. I just knew that coding had to be very detailed and that I wasn’t going to get the look I wanted straight from a video.

Thanks to all who help me!