I’ve built a GH definition that takes an outline curve, creates some geometry, turns it in to Family forms, curves, and voids and creates a new family. This all works fine.
The problem I’m having is that it fails when I try to change the family name into something that’s not already loaded in the Revit model. Based on all the examples I’ve seen this should not be required but it gives me a “Revit API: There is no valid family type” error.
Below shows it working. There is a family called “Void_Window” loaded previously (by this script - I’m not sure why it worked before but doesn’t work now).
If I change the family name to “Void_Window2” for example it fails.
The end goal is to be able to select multiple input curves and create multiple window families, each with a unique identifier but I’m unable to test this until I can add new families via GH.
Bridge Window.gh (19.8 KB)