I tried the sample again, and it seems iron python is having trouble importing some types from the Eto.Forms namespace. I fixed it by importing the used types directly. I’m sure these types of issues will be flushed out when this is supported, but I’ve updated the sample with a bit more functionality so you can see how to layout controls and get a value from a text box:
import clr
from Rhino.UI import *
from Eto.Forms import Form, Dialog, Label, TextBox, StackLayout, StackLayoutItem, Orientation, Button, HorizontalAlignment, MessageBox
from Eto.Drawing import *
dlg = Dialog[bool](Title = "Some Dialog", Padding = Padding(10))
label = Label(Text = "Enter a value:")
textBox = TextBox()
entry = StackLayout(Spacing = 5, Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal)
apply = Button(Text = "Apply")
def apply_click(sender, e): dlg.Close(True) # true is return value
apply.Click += apply_click
cancel = Button(Text = "Cancel")
def cancel_click(sender, e): dlg.Close(False)
cancel.Click += cancel_click
buttons = StackLayout(Spacing = 5, Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal)
content = StackLayout(Spacing = 5) # default orientation is vertical
content.Items.Add(StackLayoutItem(buttons, HorizontalAlignment.Right))
dlg.DefaultButton = apply
dlg.AbortButton = cancel
dlg.Content = content;
result = dlg.ShowModal(RhinoEtoApp.MainWindow)
if result:
# Do something
MessageBox.Show("You entered: " + textBox.Text)
Hope this helps!