Yes, the top banner is designed to advertise new plug-ins. We need to update the contents. Hope to do it in the next weeks.
Are they updated often? I always see the same ones up there for a long time like Karamba & Visual ARQ (neither are new)
Yes, the top banner is designed to advertise new plug-ins. We need to update the contents. Hope to do it in the next weeks.
Are they updated often? I always see the same ones up there for a long time like Karamba & Visual ARQ (neither are new)
Hi Jarek,
We do check new apps before approving it, but some of them work both in Rhino and in GH.
Which ones do you think are miscategorized?
We just updated the banners yesterday, today the “featured” apps. Thanks!
Hi Carlos,
from a quick search in RhinoApps filrer, here and the GH ones I see:
thanks, the rest (at least in Rhino Apps) looks OK.
Hi Jarek,
I always review new Apps and be sure they are categorized right.
The problem occurs when a developer adds a new file and select 2 categories (Rhino 6 and Grasshopper 5 for example). Even if I get a notification for each revision it’s hard to see these mistakes and I may miss some of them.
Our site developer is working on a new notification system that will help me detect those errors.
Thanks for reporting the errors you found, I fixed them.
All the best,
Hi Cecile, thanks and good to see F4R keeps growing and improving!
Hi @fraguada @carlosperez and all.
There is one thing with the voting system that I find to be a flaw. When I enter a website and see that something has gotten say 4 stars in average and I click them I expectat to SEE the votes and the reviews. I neither want to nor expect to vote.
The way food4Rhino works now is that if I click on those stars I suddenly vote… and I usually click on the center of the star icons so that means I accidentally vote 3 stars on something I have no experience in using… so I am afraid your current system accidentally can gather the wrong data.
As an example:
Here it looks like VECTORIZE has gotten 5 stars:
And if I want to see how many votes were given and at what range I expect to click on the stars to get the stats. But then I vote:
And IF I click I get the Please Wait… thingo spinning a looong time:
So after 30 seconds I click REFRESH and then I can no longer vote and the stars are now white:
So I really think this needs a rework.
Show the number of stars the plugin has gotten as average in GREEN big stars.
Add how many has voted AND add a new row of empty stars with the text “VOTE HERE” above them.
IMO if you are going to provide us with data then give us enough for this to be informative information.
I find much more comfort in a 4 star product that has been voted on 1000 times, than a product that only has gotten two 5 star votes.
Oh, another thing, as it is now the number of stars in the list of plugins does not correspond with the number of stars on the plugins page…
I at least expect these to be the same number of stars…
And I would not have looked at a 1.7 star plugin, while a 4 star one is absolutely of interest.
Hope you see the value in this, cheers!