New CFD webinars with SimScale and Rhino

Fluid flow simulation (CFD) enables architects and engineers to predict and optimize the performance of a building in the early stage of design process. While simulation is already widely used in mechanical engineering, the adoption in architecture and construction is quite low, due to the lack of knowledge and affordable tools.

Therefore SimScale, McNeel, and Vind-Vind joined forces to create a free online training about the application of simulation in AEC, tailored to the needs of architects and construction engineers. By participating, you will:

  • Understand the fundamentals and potential of CFD for AEC application
  • Learn how to prepare your Rhino Models for simulation
  • Receive a certification of achievement by submitting voluntary homework assignments

No prior knowledge or software is required to join this free workshop. All participants will get free access to SimScale with all the required simulation features.


  • Wind Comfort Prediction with CFD - November 23, 2017 6 PM CET / 12 EST
  • Wind Load Prediction with CFD - November 30, 2017 4 PM CET / 10 EST
  • Air Conditioning and Ventilation - December 7, 2017 4 PM CET / 10 EST

Complete details and registration…

Note: We send a recording of the webinar to all registrants, so it does not hurt to sign up even if you cannot attend.

Posted Nov 14, 2017 by Carlos Perez on Rhino News, etc.