Network Surface Building

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to build a surface between curve A, B, C and D. (Please see in the screenshot and the gh file attached)

I first tried Sweep2 but the surface quality is not ideal. Thinking in Rhino when sweeping I can add slash, I tried using Tween Curves in Pufferfish to build the slashes and did network surface, got the same result. I then added another curve from those slashes’ mid point, thing’s improved but still not ideal.

I realised that the planes of curve C and D are actually perpendicular to B. So I tried sweep 2 in Rhino and adding slashes that were also perpendicular to B, got the perfect result. How can I achieve the same thing in Grasshopper??

Any help is appreciated! Thank you in advance! (16.6 KB) (9.9 KB)
Hi, it seems to work fine with Sweep2, it is just a matter of flipping the curves correctly.

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Thank you Guillermo, but when you bake out the sweep2 surface you’ll see the isocurves are a bit wonky and the surface is not really smooth.

Ideally it’d be the best if all the isocurves’ planes are perpendicular to curve B.

Do you know how to do so in grasshopper?