hi everyone,
I’ve seen a project on internet and I think this is the perfect exercice to learn more about sub-d.
There is the furniture that I would like to model
So I’ve started from a drawing with front/top and side view
I started from the top curve and extrude step by step and shaping depending the front and side view.
Howerver I’ve done the middle part but If I cap it, It closed with triangles and I can’t use face to make legs so Ive done the legs but I can’t bridged them haha.
So I tried from another perspective by making a face and offset it so I could have some faces to manipulate but it’s not that precise in my opinion.
Any suggestions ? or a way to follow ?
Thank you in advance !
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November 27, 2023, 11:48pm
So I’ve started from a drawing with front/top and side view
I started from the top curve and extrude step by step and shaping depending the front and side view.
Howerver I’ve done the middle part but If I cap it, It closed with triangles and I can’t use face to make legs so Ive done the legs but I can’t bridged them
This is slightly confusing. Ppl will need more data.
November 28, 2023, 12:28am
start with a concept for the facelayout at the bottom.
see lines at left.
try to use quad s when ever possible
try to avoid starpoints, place them carfully.
take care that some commands convert subD to nurbs/polysurfaces.
see other topics
for example
Rodolfo Santos
or some of the learning resources
Learn to use Rhino with tutorials on Rhino for Windows, Rhino for Mac, SubD Modeling, Jewelry, Grasshopper, Rendering, Drafting and Printing, Digital Fabrication, Developer Tools.
post your 3dm file
have fun - kind regrads -tom
November 28, 2023, 12:31am
and it s always nice to keep the references:
Olivier Moravik
Table: Titus Coffee Table
November 28, 2023, 12:56am
without any shaping / finetuning
it still looks clumsy…
but should show the overall concept.
the concept is similar to @theoutside kyle 's paper doll approach
instead of starting with faces i use lines:
commands used:
initial concept:
gumball - Extrude, Scale, Move
_extrudeSubD (in UVN system for the edge)
_3dFace for the top surface
coffetable_subd.3dm (3.3 MB)