My Master's Thesis -5 minute- Questionnaire (I NEED YOUR SUPPORT)

Hello everyone,
I know we’re not used to such topics on the forum, but I really need your help in this!
It is basically a questionnaire for my master’s thesis. I’m targeting people with an architectural background. It is very simple (won’t take more than five minutes).

Kindly do the following steps:

… and you’re done!

If you have any notes or advice, kindly leave me a comment here under the post.
Your help is much appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

In order to be easier for someone to participate in the questionnaire, here are some screenshots I took for the four design alternatives from five different views.
This way, you wouldn’t have to download neither Human UI nor the file itself.

Kindly look carefully at the photos attached here, then fill the google form…
This is the questionnaire link:

  • Alternative 1
  • Alternative 2
  • Alternative 3
  • Alternative 4
  • I don’t like having alternatives
  • There is always a better alternative!
  • I only choose in between A38 and 42!
  • I like Bavarian wheat beer, but I think this glass is a bit too large!
  • Captain Hooks wooden leg was brown!
  • I like it, maybe just not in my city…
  • Don’t worry, you will get the thesis anyway.
  • I want my own poll, I guess I find it under reply->gear icon->build poll
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