Multiple Offsets of a Curve in Grasshopper

I am trying to take a set of closed, separate curves (right now I am using circles), offset them by a variable number (by using a number slider), and then take the outermost curve and repeat this. Is there a way to do this in Grasshopper? I have tried Anemone but I am not sure how to repeat the components and have the output become the input.

I am including my current script. Thank you!
Offset Curves and (37.5 KB)

@Joseph_Oster : your name came to my mind immediately :slightly_smiling_face:

Go for it!


looks like you want to do multiple offsets, Offset curve component can handle data trees of distances:

one thing to notice, by providing a data tree of distances it’s always the base curve that is getting offset by the various distances

by reading your posst it looks like you would like to keep offsetting always the last generated curve

to do that it might be helpful to use mass addition component, in particular the Partial Results output, as it transforms a list of “relative distances” (A), which is something like “how much distance from the very last offset” into a list (C) of absolute distances that the Offset component wants as an input (14.0 KB)