I am trying to figure this out but just cannot manage it. I dont have a file as i have not been able to crack this at all(new user here). I have a curve say eg with 50 points spaced apart with either same distances or variable maybe. i wish to move certian points on the curve by a specific distance. eg in this case 3 points by 2/5/2m. How to make sure that everytime we move a point it effects the neighbouring points such that it creates a slope of 4 percent till it naturally discipates.
Please if anyone could help me this. Thanks a lot everyone
Since there is no code to work with, the only way to help is “thinkering” as if it was my poblem . So this is how I would approach this question:
I see you have 50 points on a curve, and you have to move them more or les in Z direction.
Assuming point 0 and point 50 are on Z=0, and you already know 3 points you have to calculate the other 45.
Important question: If you want the slope to be 4%. Then we would need to know 4% of what? It could be 4% of the highest; or 4% of the height you allready know form the neighbour point; or 4% of the height of the closest allready known point, etcetera.
Depending on the choice (about the 4%), next question is, what to do when the height goes below 0 (zero Z)? Negative numbers? Or accept a sharper slope when on the original curve?
WIth clear choices on above, it is possible to “construct a point” on Z level left + right of every known point.
Somewhere in between two points there will be a “connecting” point. How to handle slope there? The answer will depend on the choices made above.
When all points are calculated, create an interpolated curve through all.
the curve of your definition is an Interpolated-curve with well choosen points.
in many cases interpolated-curve will not give the desired result.
here is a simple example where interpolated-curve shows its limitations.
the red points lay on one line.
the input points not necessarily become min / max / “summit” / “lowest valley”- points