Moveedge & moveface on a tube

I get some very strange results with moving edge or face on a tube that has an angle cut at one end.
It happens regardless of project being turned on or not. Happens in profile view, perspective, everything.


All i am trying to do is move the end face of the tube to the end of the flat bar. It seems to want to bring some aspects of the tube to 0,0,0. Very strange. I don’t recall ever seeing this in R5.

Also happens with a single surface tube.

Yep. Solid operations on trimmed cylinders are … messy.


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Okay. Is that just the way it is for now?

Hi Erik - yes it is, I’m afraid.


Bummer. Thanks for responding as always. You guys do a great job with user questions and feedback. Other companies could take a lesson from McNeel.

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I so much love honest developers! It’s yet another huge reason to buy Rhino soon!