I am making a definition with the goal to cut a brep into sections, and morph the sections independently while keeping the edges of the sections continous with one another.
Currently it takes a brep and divides it by cutting it into sections with equidistant planes. Then it should morph the sections to fit between curved surfaces instead of the cutting planes. This is essential, but I am not sure what is the best way to do it.
Ideally, there is some function like surface morph, only it takes two surfaces into account instead of one, so it can match the top and bottom of the segment to different shapes.
Or even more ideally, it could morph shapes from the reference of one brep to another, as this could keep edge tangency(and more?) as well as continuity. But that just souns like a way more fancy box morph, is that even possible?
Does anyone know of somehting like this, or am I stuck with something like subdivision with twisted boxes between planes in pufferfish, and smoothing the result afterwards?
I am making a definition with the goal to cut a brep into sections, and morph the sections independently while keeping the edges of the sections continous with one another.
Currently it takes a brep and divides it by cutting it into sections with equidistant planes. Then it should morph the sections to fit between curved surfaces instead of the cutting planes. This is essential, but I am not sure what is the best way to do it.
If the sections are morphing and continuous with the previous & next section - it sounds like the resulting geometry will be nearly identical to the original brep. What’s the reason for wanting to morph between those sections?
If the end of the previous section and the start of the next section has not morphed, the section between will also not morph. That requires no solution. But f you change the shape of the plane that creates the border between two sections, it means that sections on both sides of the plane have to change their shape.
But not only that, on the other side of each section, there will be another border that also changes shape and cannot become discontinous.