Model space scaling text

I am making a text object and everything works well, but I cannot find a way to set modelspace scaling.

rs.AddText(text, textDotLoc, height=0.063, font="Arial", font_style=0, justification=131073)

Is there a way to do that inside of python?

Thank you!


This commande disables the scaling:

rs.Command("-_DocumentProperties _AnnotationStyles _ModelSpaceScaling=_Disabled LayoutSpaceScaling=Disabled _EnterEnd")

I think you can twirk it to fit your needs
Best regards

@socken would that disable scaling for just the object I am creating , or the whole file? I can’t turn off the whole file scaling as I need that for other things…


Yes that would disable the scaling for the whole document. Then this isn’t what you need.
Best regards

Is there maybe way to apply a specific style that would have model and layout scaling already configured?
I do have very specific styles in my file that I could call by name…
Any suggestions?
Still looking for some workaround

Is adding the style to the object like this what you need?

id = rs.AddText(text, textDotLoc, height=0.063, font="Arial", font_style=0, justification=131073)
rs.DimensionStyle(id, "a style name")

Might be, I’ll give this a try.

Hello, I’ve got the same problem,

when I add Text with python it add text with a space scaling at 10.0, why it do that? why not at 1.0?