Model Object in Grasshopper for Rhino8

Hi I am using grasshopper for Rhino8 and trying to get the object information of referenced geometry, however the output is always null.

With human or Object Details from RH7 this works, but I cannot seem to find a method to do this natively in Rhino8

In Rhino 8 that is the actual Layer you are getting. So it is the name plus a lot of other information.

If you need the name run it through a Layer component and you can get name, etc…

As a really layer it can be also used to setup attributes on objects. Here are more details:

That thread you linked to looks very interesting but is EXTREMELY LONG :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: 214 posts!

If you’re using one of the “geometry” params (basically anything under the geometry category of the Params tab) then you won’t be able to access any of the object attributes. The reason for this is that those parameters only store the raw geometry, but do nothing with attributes assigned to each of those geometric objects.
In Rhino 8, we added a bunch of new data types in order to handle object attributes but you need to use a Model Object parameter (currently found under the Rhino tab and Model category… although this may change in the future) or a Query Model Objects component. Both of these will return “model objects” which contain not only the raw geometry, but also all of the attributes that are assigned to those objects. You can then use the Model Object pass-through component to decompose those attributes (like this). Does that help?

I think this is a great addition to native grasshopper. It seems that the model object is a much more complex GH object that contains some of the rhino parameters, however it is not an exact match.

I ask this specifically because texture mapping is important to me; is there a hope to progress this so you can reference rhino geometry as a model object and re bake it as an exact replica of the referenced geometry, so it retains ALL attributes (such as texture mapping) rather than just the 8 attributes that are listed here?


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Any geometry objects will be converted to a modelObject with attributes if any information is added to it.

The problem here is that the Human Object is proprietary to Human. So any data found on them has to be decoded with a Human component. The hope with these new Grasshopper Datatypes, all plugins can have a common objects to store both geometry and attribute data together. Then different plugins could work on the same objects.