Hi, I’m trying to run this script for Cell Size selector in butterfly but I get this error and don’t know how to fix it, i need to run it form a geometry built in GH to repeat the process modifying the geometry
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino.Geometry as rg
import math
bBox = _geo.GetBoundingBox(True)
Box = rg.Box(bBox)
dim = Box.X.Length
if Box.Y.Length < dim:
dim = Box.Y.Length
base = 10
n = math.sqrt(2)
def quality(x):
return {
0 : base,
1 : base * n,
2 : base * n * n,
3 : base * n * n * n,
4 : base * n * n * n * n
div = quality(quality)
size = dim / div
cellSize = format(size, ‘.2f’ )