I am trying to make a button that mirrors a object in X or Y axis.I have a script that mirrors x and y axis.would it be possible to have a button that asks if I want to mirrors x or y axis after clicking the button.below is the script
Call MirrorXY()
Sub MirrorXY()
Dim hState,objs,xMirObjs,yMirObjs
hState = Rhino.EnableHistoryRecording(True)
objs = Rhino.GetObjects("Select objects to quad mirror",,, True, True)
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
If Not IsArray(objs) Then Exit Sub
Call Rhino.Command("_Mirror X _Enter", False)
xMirObjs = Rhino.LastCreatedObjects()
If IsArray(xMirObjs) Then
Call Rhino.SelectObjects(xMirObjs)
Call Rhino.Command("_Mirror Y _Enter", False)
End If
Call Rhino.UnselectAllObjects()
Call Rhino.SelectObjects(objs)
If Not hState Then
Call Rhino.EnableHistoryRecording(False)
End If
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
End Sub
You could use Rhino.GetBoolean to make your choice…
(edited slightly, added “sticky” axis choice)
Option Explicit
'set up a global variable to remember axis setting within session
Private prevMA
If IsEmpty(prevMA) Then prevMA = False 'default to X
Call HistoryMirrorXorY()
Sub HistoryMirrorXorY()
Dim hState,objs,mirObjs,bool,axis
hState = Rhino.EnableHistoryRecording(True)
objs = Rhino.GetObjects("Select objects to mirror",,, True, True)
If Not IsArray(objs) Then Exit Sub
bool = Rhino.GetBoolean("Mirror axis?", Array("Mirror", "X", "Y"), Array(prevMA))
If IsNull(bool) Then Exit Sub
If bool(0) Then axis = "Y" Else axis = "X"
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
Call Rhino.Command("Mirror " & axis & " Enter", False)
Call Rhino.EnableHistoryRecording(hState)
'record axis choice for next use
prevMA = bool(0)
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
End Sub