Minutes from last save

Running V8.3. I am seeing -71580. Is there something broken? Almost looks like it is counting down backwards. I haven’t rebooted the software yet to see what it does.—-Mark

Hi Mark -

I’m not seeing that here:

… and am not aware of any other reports of this.

I forgot to mention I am using an evaluation of V8. Could it be on a count down clock until things are no longer saved?—-Mark

That would be “minutes TO last save…” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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minutes from last save
Mine is like what @wim shows.—Mark

- minutes from last save
here is what I am seeing. It still saves my files , just looks funny.—Mark

It does look funny.
@mikko - is this display in your zone of influence? Any ideas?


This should be fixed in an near future build.

Wondering if this been fixed…? [near future is after all a time scale dependent ]
On Mac SR8.5. Minute from last save gives wrong info, like I just saves and it shows

BTW, Memory Use also gives worng info.

thanks a lot