I often use meshlab filters in my workflows to remove self-intersections. Their self-intersection selection tool is very powerful when used with Rhino’s Fill mesh holes. I was wondering if anyone ever tried to call meshlab from Rhino/grasshopper or if there is a similar solution in Rhino or GH to select self-intersecting faces and delete them? Thanks in advance for any help!
Practise is closed (have no idea how long) and I don’t have this particular C# at home. That said what could be the difference in usage between this - as it is - and an “add-on”? None to be honest.
Thanks for getting back to me. The “TestCullClashingMeshFaces” works great in rhino, but I am just not sure how to utilise it through grasshopper. It also seams that your component has some advanced controls which I was interested in having a look at but not to worry. Sorry to hear that your practice is closed. I hope you are safe and well !.
Has anyone ever made any progress on this? It works fantastic in Rhino but I would just love to be able to use it in Grasshopper. Is there any way I can use this in a grasshopper component? I’ve only ever seen this in 3 places on the web and it’s mind-blowing how well it works. Self-intersecting meshes are causing meshes such a headache and they are too detailed for shrinkwrap.