With these two breps I want to cut a hole in the mesh;
cannot figure it out; tried several ways; cannot find a solution.
Do you might know what I am doing wrong?
I think it might be the low poly resolutions but by increasing the polygons I continue to struggle with this problem because when trying to cut a hole in the mesh, it still does not work.
Moving all to 0,0 (better safe than sorry) , converting the breps (the splitters) to meshes (while checking anything imaginable [CombineVertices, Orientation etc etc]) and then attempting to split the mesh … there’s some result for the one splitter (ex brep) but not for the other.
0,0: Some times moving meshes close to global origin helps addressing tolerance issues (not in this case).
Sarcasm: No
Difficult: No.
Solution: haven’t found the time to investigate further (assuming that is not a R bug [Mesh result = M.Split(m);] of some sort).
Found a couple of minutes for writing some primive C# on that matter. Inspect the code: this is either a 100% Karma related case Or there’s some bugs in the Brep to mesh Rhino Method (not to mention in the Split thingy).