Hello there,
Is there a way to merge curved faces into a single surface? I tried Brep join with no luck. Also, the surface was created from a sphere.
Hello there,
Is there a way to merge curved faces into a single surface? I tried Brep join with no luck. Also, the surface was created from a sphere.
Hi Tom -
A picture is really not all that useful when you ask for help. Always upload the relevant part of your gh file with all Rhino geometry internalized.
Perhaps you can simply rotate the sphere before you trim parts of it so that the seam is located in a different part?
Hi Wim,
My apologies.I will attach the file
Also, the sphere is more of a placeholder for another shape, but rotating the object could be a last resort solution.
In rhino, I can manually use “CurveThroughSrfControlPt” then rebuild the surface using “NetworkSrf” but I was trying to find a more elegant solution.
divided brep.gh (23.4 KB)