Materials don't update in worksession

Hi @pascal , I have the same problem. Updating materials in a linked file don’t show up in the central file even if I haven’t got duplicate material names.

As i figure out from other posts in the forum linked materials don’t get discarged automatically from the central file once I detach the links unless purging materials and textures. Purging and reloading model allows the get all the updates Materials wise. Is there any news about this process or am I missing something?

Last but not least, Vray Mat have a strange behaviour during a worksession. Sometimes they display correctly sometimes not in rendered mode. However they do get rendered correctly. Have you got an explanation for it?

WS test_main file.3dm (7.2 MB)
WS test_linked 02.3dm (7.7 MB)

Attached you find the two simple test files
Rhino Version 7.28
