Hi Max,
- Tree view has normal performance when thumbnails are disabled. Not sure if the performance will maintain if I re-enable the thumbnails.
- Enabling / Disabling Enscape does not impact speed.
Hi Max,
@Iyang_Huang Thank you for the information. I would enable the thumbnails and make sure the EnablePreviewCache in Advanced settings is set to true. They should be cached when the preview rendering is ready and then it should not affect performance.
I myself have not been able to reproduce the slowness that is shown in the video. Tried both Mac and Windows. I do have another Windows machine that I have not yet tried.
For quicker rendered thumbnails one could set the Advanced Settings RhinoCycles.PreviewSamples to 10 instead of the default 150 samples.
Hi Max, with the following settings:
The Performance in TreeView is still normal.
The list and grid are still very slow.
Those settings are good.
By the way, even with TreeView, if I start to drag to panel slider the previews are still very laggy and takes some time to load.
Hi Wim, my cpu jumps to 100% and freezes my laptop when I am moving the material slider too. @Elias_Brulin
It feels like Rhino is constantly trying to regenerate all the thumbnails at once.
Try setting the PreviewSamples to 10. It should be enough for the previews.
Can you give me the information that is displayed when running the TestSystemScreenInfo? I will try to setup a similar screen setup.
Screen Information:
Screen 0
IsPrimary: False
Bounds: 302,1080,1920,1200
WorkingArea: 302,1080,1920,1152
LogicalPixelSize: 1
Scale: 1.3333334
Screen 1
IsPrimary: True
Bounds: 0,0,2560,1080
WorkingArea: 0,0,2560,1032
LogicalPixelSize: 1
Scale: 1.3333334
Screen 2
IsPrimary: False
Bounds: -1920,-4,1920,1080
WorkingArea: -1920,-4,1920,1032
LogicalPixelSize: 1
Scale: 1.3333334
Window Positions (Commands):
RestoreBounds: 1124,273,311,485
RestoreBounds: 1132,426,296,179
RestoreBounds: 962,280,636,472
RestoreBounds: 1154,1555,216,201
RestoreBounds: 1132,349,296,333
RestoreBounds: 880,216,800,600
RestoreBounds: 1082,206,396,619
adding other descriptions potentially related to this problem.
its’ very hard to select objects in render view.
It take 5-10 seconds after clicking for selected object to be highlighted.
Did you update the Intel and Nvidia drivers?
Hi Max, I have brought it up to the company but they have refused to update the video drivers.
Another case of this issue is here : user Elias Brulin has the same issue but with the latest drivers. Slow performance in material editor - #17 by Iyang_Huang
There is a big chance that his problem is not the same as you are experiencing. He writes about lots of materials that have probably big textures.
“When dealing with larger files with lots of materials the material tab with its previews buffering makes the file almost unusable in R8.”
Looking at the video that was posted on this thread. The model has only 9 materials and shows slowness when hovering over thumbnails. That should not happen at all. It should be smooth. So I think this might be a separate issue?
It seems very similar or relevant to me though.
We are both experiencing performance issues with the material editor.
Elias has much more robust CPU and Video cards, which probably have compensated processing time when the file is small.
it has been tested. the latest drivers don’t solve the issue.
@Iyang_Huang and I had a meeting and we found out that the performance is fine as long as the textures are not located in the server. If the textures are on the local machine, then it is fine. I send a DM in which we would like to to a remote debugging session in order to find out what is causing this.
I’m also in that thread, and I watched your video, and it’s the exact same problem I’ve been having.
Hi Max, I’m in the other thread with Gijs. I have been having the exact same problem as Ian. Many of my materials have textures that point to paths on a Google Drive where I store my personal material library. This is a normal workflow though for 3D artist/designers as I work on the same file from different computers at times, so having links to textures that are on an external drive or local machine, is hardly useful. Please help. It’s so painful. I can’t even adjust materials on my computer. It takes a minute to even click on one.
@Gijs From the other thread, I’ve now uploaded my file for you to take a look at. It’s not just this file. It’s all files with say 5+ materials. I’ve also disabled all my Third Party Plugins That Don’t Ship With Rhino and nothing has changed. Thanks, Aidan.
@aidan.newsome We can do a remote debugging session with you if @Iyang_Huang is not able to do it. He has not responded, but we would need to do this in order to try to solve the problem. Would it be ok to have you as a backup for this if Ian cannot do it?
Yeah, I can be the backup. My schedule is kind of crazy, but if we could do it on a Friday, that’d be great. I’m in the EST timezone.