MatchMapping doesn't match the position of the mapping - BUG

Good evening,

Rhino doesn’t match the mapping corectly. It matches the type and size but not the position.
You can clearly see this in the video below.

Hi @Bogdan_Chipara ,

I can’t reproduce this issue, can you post your 3dm? Here’s my test file too.
MatchMapping.3dm (325.4 KB)

have you tried with cylinder mapping ?

Yes, post your file.

240930 _ matchmapping problem.3dm (2.6 MB)
ok, I know how to replicate this.

  1. Apply a mapping for the object below (shown on the left)
  2. Move the object
  3. Check its mapping : it will show ok
  4. Try to MatchMapping for the object above (the one on the right side)
    The map will take the previous position instead of the new one - where the object is moved to.

I believe this has to do with the objects being very, very far away from world origin. Select both objects, move them to around w0 and the match mapping will now work as expected.

@nathanletwory No is not. I can replicate it even when the geometry is right on the world origin.

Please have a look:

Hmm, weird, this morning when I tested it moving to around w0 remedied. Testing it again it no longer does.

I logged this as RH-84052 MatchMapping doesn’t map correct cylindrical mapping

@nathanletwory , it happens with box mapping also.
MatchMapping mathes the previous location of a mapping even if the object with its mapping has been moved.