if the match mapping is used, than the selection of the objects is lost. Please fix it so that it is kept for further usage like match material.
if the match mapping is used, than the selection of the objects is lost. Please fix it so that it is kept for further usage like match material.
Hi Micha,
I think I understand what you mean but do you have a sample file to illustrate the bug/feature request? I believe you’re saying that when match mapping is used in the texture properties for an object it is not done so as a parent child relationship. This means changing the mapping of the target object (parent) doesn’t update the matched one (child). Correct? A sample file will be good even if I’m right though…
I mean, Rhino typical is that I select an object -> press a match button -> select an object from where I get some properties -> finally I’m back at my first selected object. During the mapping matching I lost my selection, the object isn’t highlighted anymore.
Ahh, I see what you mean. If you use the match button in object props the original selection remains highlighted upon completion of the match. The match mapping button should then exhibit the same behavior. Filed as RH-19818
(this report is not publicly visible yet… but it’s planned)
I have a related request. When you match properties from one object to another you can match its material but not its texture mapping. The only way to match texture mapping is with the Match Mapping command. To be able to assign material and mapping in one action (through the match properties dialog) will be very useful. Having the option of copy / reference the the texture mapping will be very useful too. Thank you.
Missed here too. 1+
I find the current implementation of the Match Mapping command of very limited use.
It indeed literally matches the mapping – but at least not my expectation of what the command actually should do.
The way MatchMapping currently acts is this: Several mannequins present fashion on a catwalk. They are distributed all over the place, and are rotated in all sorts of directions. At some point the Designer decides to let all models wear the same coat. He runs the MatchCoat command, selects the model with the coat he means and instantly all other girl have the same coat too. Unfortunately though it comes over exactly in the orientation it had on the first girl, so that it looks very odd indeed. One needs to manually adjust the fit of every single of them.
Sorting this problem out in Rhino should be simpler than in real life.
As in any mesh modeller one should be able copy and paste flattened UV mesh representations (in any projection) from one Brep to the next and it should fit just perfectly when the mesh topology is identical. The latter will be certainly be true when a user has distributed many copies of an object in a scene, before even thinking of later texturing processes.
result of MatchCoat
Translated to Rhino things look like this:
Before matching
After matching
An other probleme in this direction is caused by the “match object size” button. A planar project from the side view can not simple match to an object - see the poor “matched” example at the screenshot.