Following up the discussion before going back to Grasshopper…
Q2. If such a plot is unchanged, it means the Z coordinate of all 4 corners is probably different, and you don’t get something flat. It is perfectly possible to isolate those plots and only work on the remaining plots (using Dispatch
). However, let’s imagine that case with three adjacent plots :
- Plot with DeltaZ>0.6 : remains unchanged
- Plot with DeltaZ<0.6 : will be processed
- Plot with DeltaZ<0.6 : will be processed
What happens to the second plot, should it somehow take into account the Z level of the corners it’s attached to, or should it only look for the level of the third plot ?
Q4. This could be working, however unless some mesh gurus on the forum have some ideas*, I think the easiest way to set up the data correctly is to reference all your curves group by group, and then create a data tree using Entwine
. Each group of plots will be in a separate branch, so they don’t interact with each other later on.
Q3. The case with 4 plots you are describing, though easy to write as a sentence, is not so easy to turn into a logical and systematic procedure to apply, and looping through all possible combinations doesn’t seem reasonable. Right now my component would give 0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 0.7 as an output.
No worries for the time needed, it’s much better to think and anticipate the problems rather that throwing a thousand components on a canvas !
*By the time I wrote this, an idea came, and with that, horrible news regarding the quality of the file.
I’ve made a script that attempts at merging the boundaries by rows/columns automatically, and I encountered a LOT of problems such as :
- curves that have overlapping segments, I solved that in GH
- curves that have their seam (clsing point) not on a corner, also solved in GH
- curves that overlap, not very solvable in GH
- curves that have corners that should be 90 degrees, but are not, same thing
The problem is that the Brep Join operation, which everything is built upon, fails for a good third of the groups, especially in the middle. Every group where there is no color has a problem. I saw a lot of layers indicating this was imported from a PDF, I’m not really surprised then. Do you have a way to review all these base curves, and maybe redraw them more accurately ? Else, another method for finding adjacent plots has to be imagined.
Attached the file with this attempt, you’ll need to download Elefront.
Setup Plot SSL(2).gh (85.2 KB)