Yes it is possible to apply this technique to sphere.
Bust instead of applying contour I apply Mesh Iso Splitting, so you need to put a value (double not point) at each vertex of the mesh then iso-splitting then colorize.
here is a solution using Grasshopper. As I understand you want to apply displacement and depending of the displacement colorize your mesh. I have done a mesh isoplitting which could be useful.
I propose you a script that is doing a real egg shape as a surface. This surface is remeshed and some displament is added as a proportion on the height with a sinus. But you could imagine whatever function you want.
and then iso splitting, enter a mesh, a value for each point and an iso value and…
I didn’t keep the script I wrote for the example. You can recreate if you need
Geodesic is there:
I followed this publication
but didn’t implement the simplification. So it is too long for “big mesh”.
Mesh iso splitting here