Mapping texture to flat surface curve

I’m trying to render a large curved wooden structure created from glulam. The problem is I can’t work out how to make the texture follow the curve.

extruding a profile the mapping doesn’t work as you wish because the lateral faces are 4 edge cutted surfaces and you can find out that extracting (_ExtractSrf) and rebuilding (_Rebuild) one of them,
so try this way:

Old Thread. Needs a current answer.

The only way to Warp a texture to follow the direction of the curve is not that intuitive at first.

  1. You’ll recreate the curved side face using a Sweep1 or Sweep2, as the Isocurves MUST follow the changing curvature. If you do this right both parallel and perpendicular isocurves will ‘make sense’ on the curve.
  2. Use ‘Slash’ marks in the Sweep opttions to further control the surface UV’s perpendicularity, or it will not be tangential.
  3. Use ApplySurfaceMapping on the Side faces, adjust the scale of the texture to be correct and you will have an accurate looking GluLam or Plywood edge… or whatever. Be forewarned, you cannot JOIN the Surface back to it’s siblings, or you will lose the Surface mapping, Unwrap can get around this… but then the Texture will not flow along the UVs.

The inability to re-join (and close apparent OpenGL gaps) in the now Open polysurfaces is a real downfall for Detail, closeup shots. I have not yet found a workflow that integrates perfect Wood grain with closed objects.

Actually, there is another way, but it involves ‘painting’ a custom curved texture that matches the surface being textured 1:1…and then using a simple mapping type, but it’s so time consuming as to only be useful for Game design (if you ask me.) Or for someone who lives in Photoshop / Illustrator every day.

There are a lot of tradeoffs in the Rhino texturing workflow… and everything is obscured by complexity in jargon, commands and gotchas.