Making pipes and cables best workflow

Hey hello all,

What is the best workflow for making pipes!? (I do scale models of rocket engines…)
I mean I can use the pipe command to make following a curve but how do you manipulate the curve easily with filets!!!?

If you make filets then the curve is not editable easily and the pipe command does not update…

Let me know how you tackle this challenge… :wink:

Hi Evangelos -

The best workflow is only what works best for you specifically.
In my previous jobs doing a lot of piping for subsea oil and gas, I had a Grasshopper definition that made pipes from Rhino polylines. Manipulate straight line segments in Rhino and have Grasshopper create pipes with appropriate bends.

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Hello awesome!
So I guess I should try this workflow.
Could you please give me a tutorial on how to do it?

What command should I use to make the fillets in grasshopper? How does grasshoper add the fillets I did manage to make the pipe with grasshopper but not the bends…

Is anyone available to jump on a call and show me on how to use grasshopper to make pipes? :grinning: *payed time tutoring ,anyone?