I’m working on a project in Rhino where I need to optimize the orientation of multiple planar surface on my C-plane. The idea is to find the best orientation for each surface so that the bounding rectangle has the small possible area, maybe i have to keep a maximum length and width limits.
I’m a bit stuck on how to write the loop logic for this. Should I test every possible angle, degree by degree, or is there a smarter way to do it? If someone has a script or a code example that could help me get started, that would be amazing.
This is for a woodworking project to reduce wastes when cutting woode panels.
dear @onlyforpeace
not sure if I 100% understood your needs - we are talking about a 2d-problem ?
why don t you use a existing nesting solution ? there is opennest and there are several online services that offer demo or trail accounts.
Do you have a screenshot / sketch that illustrates your challenge ?
I try this:```# coding: utf-8
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
Sélection des surfaces
objs = rs.GetObjects(“Sélectionnez les surfaces à optimiser”, 8)
if not objs:
print(“Aucun objet sélectionné.”)
for obj in objs:
print(“###################### Traitement de la forme 1 ######################”)
# Calcul initial de la boîte englobante
bbox_start = rs.BoundingBox(obj)
if not bbox_start:
print("Impossible de calculer la BoundingBox pour l'objet .")
rotate_point = bbox_start[0]
current_min_width = rs.Distance(bbox_start[3], bbox_start[0])
optimal_angle = 0 # Angle initial
# Recherche de l'angle optimal
for angle in range(0, 180): # Rotation de 0° à 179°
rotated_obj = rs.RotateObject(obj, rotate_point, angle, copy=True)
if not rotated_obj:
print("Erreur lors de la rotation de l'objet.")
bbox = rs.BoundingBox(rotated_obj)
if bbox:
# Calcul des dimensions
current_length = rs.Distance(bbox[1], bbox[0])
current_width = rs.Distance(bbox[3], bbox[0])
print("Rotation ",angle,"° : longueur = ",current_length," largeur = ",current_width)
# Mise à jour de l'angle optimal
if current_width < current_min_width:
current_min_width = current_width
optimal_angle = angle
print("Nouvelle largeur minimale : ",current_min_width," à l'angle ",optimal_angle'"°")
# Suppression de l'objet temporaire
# Appliquer la rotation optimale
rs.RotateObject(obj, rotate_point, optimal_angle)
print("Forme optimisée à l'angle," optimal_angle,"° avec une largeur minimale de ,"current_min_width)
print ('erreur lors du script')