Now I am trying to figure out how I could show this tunnel in 2D and derive 2D plans from this tunnel.
The tunnel has a bend and a slight slope, It would be great if it was possible to create a longitudinal section. Maybe I need to flatten the tunnel first to do so? Or is there another way?
You could use
-intersect brepbrep
-extrude the central axis as a long sect. plane
-execute the intersection between the model and the brepPlane
-Then flatten in on Top Plane or unroll it on top plane according to your needs
Anyway to section I would simply run an intersection
As you have created your tunnel parametrically, you could also create a flattened section by applying the same parameterisation to a planar version of your alignment curve.
Obviously (so obviously I am sure I am teaching Granny to suck eggs) if you flatten the section dimensions will only be accurate along the alignment plane and off at the side walls.