Every time I add a picture to one specific file it freezes and crashes. the picture is a screenshot and it is quite small in size. I don’t know if its a file problem. rhino 8
Can you post the file and the image? If not perhaps send it to McNeel directly using the file upload page:
Okey thank you. I cannot share the file here since its bigger than 20mb. Ive sent it to the link now. Also how can I use picture frames without embedding the files.
Normally the images from Picture objects are stored as textures - when saving a Rhino file you can uncheck the box “save textures”, in which case only the path to the image will be saved, but not the image itself. However, this will also be the same for any other textures you may have in the file, there is no “granular” way to not save Picture images and still save other textures in the file.
Hi Kerem -
Thanks for your file. I’ve put this on the list for a developer to take a closer look.
→ RH-78280 Picture: Drag and drop issue
In the meanwhile, it looks like you can hide all geometry first, then drag and drop the picture. You have a large amount of curves in that file, though…